Chairmen's Message

Sukhmander Singh Chatha



Higher Education is a touchstone by which the progress of nation is measured in today’s time. As the country stands poised on the brink of an exciting future, higher education is as important as administrative policy.

Today the society, the academia and the industry need to stand together and share their commitment, enthusiasm and expertise in order to create a responsible progressive and skilled citizenry. In keeping this very spirit Fateh group has been focusing on providing all round, relevant and comprehensive education to students for the last 9 years in an environment that focus upon ethics, values and mutual respect..

Whenever I am asked to define education, the following comes to my mind:

“The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.”

Education is the fountainhead of growth, progress, and development in any part of the world. Its contribution has been responsible to raise the standard of the society, also in shaping the moral favor of the students, community and contributing to the nation’s well-being by producing the bright minds of tomorrow. 

We at Fateh Group have structured an effective and holistic education system in a way that prepares the students to be an effective and efficient workforce and make the best of the opportunities that the industry sends their way. 

The curriculum of the various college under Fateh Group are designed to keep pace with the ever-evolving and dynamic trends and challenges of the industry today. The process of teaching, training, and evaluation follow the modern system of Fateh Group which makes the Education System sync with the latest trends and technology.

We Strongly believe in academic excellence and do not compromise on teaching standards or discipline.

These three things are the springboards on which we operate. people who feel good about themselves produce and people who produce good results feel good about themselves. we also believe in total learning and sharing 

Have a visit to fateh group of instititions and feel good to good education.

Choosing the right college is immensely important, be it when our children first start out and heavily identify the environment that fits , or at any other stage in a nomadic expat life.

Fateh Group of institutions in keeping with our motto Exxcellence for All, Excellence From All,

fosters outstanding relationships from which both , students and staff, draw their ambition to do well and make a lasting contributions to college life and society as a whole , as the chairman , I feel sense of privilege in having opportuinty to lead this college

Fateh group of institutions is an exciting place to be.

it is a college where we subscribe to high performance learning , a pedagogy that requires teachers to instill in our students thinking skills and a growth mind – set in an inquiry-based learning environment. 

these most essential ingredients for success in the 21st century are complemented and enhanced by rich and diverse extra-curricular programme of sport, music, drama, education expeditions and many other pursuits al designed to educate the whole person

Learning should be based on doing things and not merely knowing things.

Until and unless learning solutions relate to real life and motivate the learner to acquire and apply the knowledge, the whole process will remain superficial. Any educational institution worth its name looks to optimize the productivity of global leaders.

 Our institution has set specific objectives and planned activities for achieving excellence in all spheres of education. The service of the Fateh Group in creating personally mature, professionally equipped and service-oriented graduates is really worth mentioning.

Since I only have little space to give you a flavour of what we do and how much this college means to each and every one of its students and staff, I would like to invite you to explore this site and come and visit as and when you have time to do so. We are more than happy to give you a tour and make you feel part of the much vaunted Fateh Group of Institutions experience.

(Sukhmander Singh Chatha Chairman)